Animation for storytelling

How to tell a complex story with multiple entry points? Sustain-ability, Circular (eco)nomy and CSR are all related. And yet we treat them as separate entities. Merging them together requires systemic innovation using the a set of criteria for check and balance. Only those who will succeed in doing so, will become the champions. The catch, our head stands in the way of our heart….. (I’m working on a post to explain this is more detail)

A first test to bring some animated storytelling on how I be of service to companies. Still work in progress so very curious to hear how you are responding to it. I looking for alternative method to have impact with the knowledge I carry. #storytelling #nevertooold to learn something new.

Let me know what you think

#sustainability #innovation #climatechange #governance #esg #ethics #leadership #strategy #culture #management #riskmanagement

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