The Masters Podcast
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Alexander Prinsen interviews Masters to learn about innovations, technologies, mindset and the business models. In each episode a special Master is being interviewed by Alexander to learn on how to design a Sustainable Future based on Physics, Biology and Chemistry principles.

MBA#22 Marnix ten Kortenaar – Iceskater, Inventor and entrepreneur
A conversation with Marnix ten Kortenaar (trained as Physical Chemist from the TUDelft) about batteries, water, desalination, upscaling, doing visibility studies, realisme, future battery demand, hydrogen and religion. And how

MBA21 Bill Baue & Ralph Thurm
In this edition I speak with Bill Baue and Ralph Thurm from Reporting3.0 [] about the challenges related to sustainability reporting when compliance becomes the norm. It turns out aligning

MBA20 Jason Drew
With ‘environmental capitalist’ Jason Drew we explored his journey on how he as an investor and entrepreneur is seeking out business opportunities that do good for the (eco)logy and business.

MBA19 Ramon Vullings
With entrepreneur and keynote speaker Ramon Vullings we explore his insights on cross innovation and the importance of an open mindset. Ramon promotes the concept of “Operational Elegance” as opposed

MBA18 Adriaan Korthuis
With Adriaan Korthuis from Climate Focus we explored the space of financing emission reduction programs in particularly developing countries’ and how to make sure companies exercising good climate practices. There

MBA17 Brad VanStone
With Brad Vanstone we dive into the alternative dairy solutions he is creating with Willicroft. His cheese and butter alternatives are very tasty. The butter is made from fermented soya beans and has the look and feel of real butter.

MBA#16 Ivanka Milenkovic
Ivanka Milenkovic (Ekofungi) is a organic mushroom farmer in Belgrade Serbia teaching a whole new generation of mushroom farmers from all over the world. She trains mushroom farmers

MBA#15 Diana Machado de Sousa (Microbial Special Series)
Multi-culture fermentation is the next frontier for biotech. Can we create a community of microbes who can do the job? We explore various metabolic pathways to learn more about how

MBA #14 Gerald Pollack (Microbial Special Series)
In this episode we will investigate how the unusual characteristics of water (among others Exclusion Zone) is impacting how microbes are living with water. Water is more than H20 as

MBA#13 Koen Venema (Microbial Special Series)
In this episode we will investigate our #gut#microbial#system about how and why it is effecting they #health system. We are curious to learn what kind of insights will this provide

MBA#12 Mike Jetten (Microbial Special Series)
In this episode we will investigate the role of anammox bacteria and their role in the nitrogen cycle and methane cycle. Are they key to solve the nitrogen issues? En

MBA#11 Peter Jaffe (Microbial Special Series)
#11 MBA Microbes Specials SeriesIn this episode we will investigate How and why do microbes crack chemicals like PFAS and how did they found a way to bind metals?

MBA#10 Willy Verstraete (Microbes Specials Series)
#10 MBA Microbes Specials SeriesIn this episode we will investigate how bacteria will power the sustainable industrial revolution. What does nitrogen, calcium and hydrogen have to do with it? Why and how do the microbes do it? And what can we learn from microbes about their and even our own metabolism.

MBA#09 Mark van Loosdrecht (Microbial Special Series)
In this episode we will investigate the recent insights about bacterial biofilms. What is the role of Sialic Acid and what are the possible (industrial) applications? And what can we learn from microbes about their and even our own metabolism.

MBA#08 Gert Jan Euverink (Microbes special series)
In this episode we will investigate how it is possible that even bacteria can produce a type of bioplastics, which is called PHA. And even more remarkable this PHA turns

MBA#07 Jan Gerritse (Microbes special series)
Listen to the podcasts on Anchor | Itunes | Spotify In this episode we will investigate why Microbes can crack even the most difficult and stable natural and man-made molecules,

MBA#06 Viruses through a different lens with Marc van Bemmel and Richard Kormelink
Let’s talk about what viruses can teach us and how we could use them in a positive way! Join this exploitative dialogue to look at our natural world from different perspectives. What if we would be able to zoom out? Leaving the microscope and our traditional human perspective on viruses behind for a minute. What would happen if we look at viruses as one of the players in a much broader system? And as such changing our perspective to that of Spaceship Earth and the role of a virus in the web of life? What lessons can we draw from nature’s logic on how Spaceship Earth operates?

MBA#05 István Kenyeres – Future of Waste waster Systems
In today’s Episode Alexander Prinsen interviews István Kenyeres, Founder of Biopolus about the Future of Waste Water Systems and Rebirthing of Water.

MBA#04 Anders Nyquist – Sustainable Architecture
In today’s Episode Alexander Prinsen interviews Anders Nyquist, Founder of EcoCycleDesign about Sustainable Architecture. Anders lives in Sweden and works globally on innovative projects.

MBA#03 Prof Ille Gubeshuber
In today’s Episode Alexander Prinsen interviews Prof. Ille Gebeshuber about Biomimetics.